Welcome To Renovatus

There is an undeniable need throughout the church and our communities to help those who struggle with various forms of addictions. Many in the church are unsure as to how to help due to the enormous amount of time and attention that it requires to help those who are struggling in these areas. At Renovatus, our mission team will live with the residents providing life-on-life community, accountability, along with housing, meals, schedules, work, counseling and the discipleship that is required for the rehabilitation of our residents.

Our Program includes:

  • Biblically based group counseling

  • Early morning devotion and bible study

  • Communal housing, and meals

  • A structured work schedule that develops desired work skills and habits

  • Partnership with other churches and ministries

  • Daily bible studies that include a biblical approach and offer biblical solutions to the sins of addiction

  • Personal biblical counseling

Our Program also offers other life skills training:

  • Financial mentoring

  • GED assistance

  • Soft skills

  • Parenting classes

  • Anger management

  • Driver’s license preperation

If you or a loved one needs this kind of help, please reach out to us today at renovatusrc@gmail.com

Derrick and Brittney’s Story

Shane’s story

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